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Your number one
trusted escrow

Trusted, Secure, and Reliable

Trusted by over 2000+ businesses, individuals, and merchants

Escrowright is the recommended payment system of top eCommerce companies.

Escrow wallet
Escrow wallet

Our wallet is designed to holding assets or funds before they are transferred from one party in a transaction to another. The third party holds the funds until both buyer and seller have fulfilled their contractual requirements.

Secure funds
Secure funds

A system protected and safe fundings. Buyers and sellers are guaranteed of their asset safety, and accessible at satisfactory decision.

Funds deposits during transactions
Funds deposits during transactions

Escrowright receives funds deposit collateral for the delivery of goods or services. This help to create a more secure way of transaction through escrow service.

Escrow wallet
Escrow wallet

Our wallet is designed to holding assets or funds before they are transferred from one party in a transaction to another. The third party holds the funds until both buyer and seller have fulfilled their contractual requirements.

Why you should use escrowright?

Escrowright is a trusted digital transaction service providing users with a secure and reliable way to conduct their transactions.

Frequently asked questions?


Pay for goods using Escrowright service and get covered by ourbuyer & sellers protection on eligible terms.


We ensure every seller and buyer are clearly vetted. Escrowright apply trict levels of onboarding.


Safe keeping and upholding our values and standards of good transaction.

Our success is yours

Our various users come first, we are in business to see that every transaction is a success and everyone is happy.

Escrowright connects buyers with sellers

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Buyer and seller agree to terms

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Buyer creates order

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Seller creates escrow and sends to buyer

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Escrowright receives escrow order and payment

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Payment is released after successful completion of order